Chef Robert Khoury

Surf & Turf Risotto

Using fish, snails, veal, chicken and fresh veggies, saffron and cream. All ingredients complimenting each other without one overpowering another. Creamy and rich tasting.

8 oz. salmon filet,
8 oz. boneless chicken leg,
7 oz. boneless veal chop,
large escargot/snails,
3 oz. shallots,
2 oz. peeled carrots,
2 oz. celery,
2-3 oz. green,
yellow or red pepper, 0.500 grams. saffron,
1/3 c. pecorino romano cheese,
shy 1 c. heavy,
light or 1/2 n 1/2 cream,
1/2 c. dry white wine,
5 garlic cloves,
1/2 tsp. tumeric,
1 tsp. sea salt into risotto after chicken is added,
1 tsp. hot sauce,
1 qt. chicken, veal, fish stock or water