Chef Robert Khoury

Shrimp And Baby Clam Miso With No Dashi

Recipe is for 2. Yield is 2 qts.
This is a simple recipe for miso soup. If you don't like using cooked clam meat from Asia just double the shrimp or use raw little neck clams or mussels.
1/2 c. cooked baby clam meat,
2 & 1/2 -3 T. miso paste,
1/2 c. raw shrimp,
1/2 c. carrot,
1/2 c. celery,
1 c. tofu,
1/3 c. green pepper,
1/2 T. fresh ginger,
1/2 c. scallions,
1/2 c. onion,
1&1/4 c. water,
1/3 c. red cabbage